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Project Management

Planning, design, procurement and execution. Our team will keep you on track; budget and timeline. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.



With years of experience, our staff has the capabilities and expertise to take your business to the next level. At Elite Optimization, we combine our insights and skills to transform your processes and strategies, and in turn, your company. We’re structured to help with minor design tweaks or bring large ideas to the table.

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Onsite Supervision

Experienced supervision team for facilities construction, pipeline projects, and wellwork. Detailed daily reports and expense tracking to ensure you are always up to date on progress. Our team will also commission and provide training to the operations teams during hand-off.


Technical Services

Efficient operations is the result of a full spectrum of engineering designs working together in harmony. We pride ourselves in bringing together the different disciplines, products and services to help serve your customers. Power solutions, vessel design & packaging optimization, field development strategies, greenfield & brownfield projects, construction execution planning, etc are all examples of what our balanced team of professionals can offer your company.

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Operations Support

Frustrated with problem wells requiring the most time and attention and as a result negatively skewing your operational performance data? Elite Optimization was created to provide customers with another set of eyes, outside the box thinking or hands-on support to troubleshoot and resolve problems together. Our team is well-balanced between field knowledge and engineering creativity.


Technology & Data Support

Wanting to try something new, but uncertain on what to try? Let us work our professional network to add data points to your evaluations. Whether it's trying to enhance your ESG performance or brainstorming new SCADA systems & control logic - we're here to help.


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